Episode 275

Crafting a Life of Color Beyond the Boardroom with Nancy Dillingham-Marks

Published on: 25th April, 2024

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Have you ever felt the urge to throw caution to the wind and follow your heart's deepest desire? Nancy Dillingham-Marks did just that, trading the predictability of her corporate life for the kaleidoscopic swirl of fused glass art. This episode brings you the riveting story of Nancy's metamorphosis, from grappling with self-doubt to glowing with the confidence of an artist and founder of the Glass Arts Collective. As we explore her journey, you'll hear how she channeled resilience and adaptability to craft a new path, inspiring anyone at a crossroads in their career or searching for a way to trust their inner compass.

As the world went into lockdown, Nancy's studio became a crucible for innovation, exemplifying the spirit of entrepreneurship. The Glass Arts Collective had to confront the stark challenges of the pandemic head-on, and Nancy unveils the strategic shifts that not only kept her dream alive but also nurtured a community in need of solace and expression. This chapter of Nancy's adventure serves as a powerful testimony to the cathartic role of art in times of hardship and is bound to leave listeners with a sense of hope and determination.

Completing our colorful tapestry of conversation, Nancy opens up about the synergy between her glass artistry and her passion for writing, and how these pursuits infuse her life with joy and energy. She's become a beacon of inspiration to her family and peers, and here she shares insights on spontaneity in creative endeavors, challenging the myths of modern communication. The episode wraps up with an engaging discussion about the Glass Arts Collective's collaborative ethos and Nancy's invitation to art lovers to explore custom glass creations—a testament to the legacy that creativity and art can leave in their wake.

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Becoming Bridge Builders
Becoming Bridge Builder is a captivating podcast where thought-provoking discussions and inspiring stories unfold. Keith offers hope and practical tips during difficult times using valuable insights and fresh perspectives. Here, you will find content that equips you with the skills and motivation to get in the game, whether you are a church trying to connect with those outside its walls or an individual seeking a better future for your family. Each episode features thought leaders who explore leadership principles, examine cultural shifts, and address social issues. Listening to Keith or interacting with him feels like having an enriching conversation with a friend who provides deep insights into the world.
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Byrene Haney

I am Byrene Haney, the Assistant to the President of Iowa District West for Missions, Human Care, and Stewardship. Drawn to Western Iowa by its inspiring mission opportunities, I dedicate myself to helping churches connect with the unconnected and disengaged in their communities. As a loving husband, father, and grandfather, I strive to create authentic spaces for conversation through my podcast and blog.